Wednesday 5 February 2014

Making the perfect cupcake

This is officially the perfect cupcake!

perfect cupcake recipe
Over the last few months I have been trying out lots of different recipes in practice for my baby's Christening. I've tried lots of different types, lemon, chocolate, raspberry swirl, but concluded that this vanilla cupcake recipe is the best. Simple to make but gives a lovely rise and perfect base for any favour icing or special decoration.

This recipe takes about 10 minutes to make and 25 minutes in the oven.
Pre heat your oven to 160 degrees and put 12 cases into a cupcake tray.
Begin by measuring 2 large eggs. This will be your base weight. For example 150g.
Whatever your 2 eggs weigh, you will need the same amount of self raising flour, same amount of caster sugar and same amount of butter.
This ensures the cakes are perfectly balanced. Using the freshest eggs you can find will also help the rise.
What to do...

  1. Beat the butter and sugar together

  2. Mix in one egg at a time, adding a small amount of flour between each one to prevent the batter from splitting

  3. Slowly mix the (sifted) flour into the batter

  4. Give the batter a final stir until it's almost smooth - if you're planning to add chocolate chips or similar, do it now!

  5. Divide the batter between the cases - if necessary use more cases rather than overfilling!

  6. Bake for 20-25 minutes

  7. Allow to fully cool before icing or decorating

  8. Decorate as required (Buttercream is great)

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